Pre-Orders Now Open!

Miss the Kickstarter? Good news! Pre-orders are now open on Backerkit.

What's in the Pre-Order?

Everything that you missed in the Kickstarter! This includes all tiers made available during the original campaign: Swimmer, Diver, Xenobiologist, or Oceanographer. This includes digital and print rewards, stretch goals, and the full package Oceanographer's Kit for all of the theoretical xenobiologists looking to validate their doctorate.

Pre-orders will charge your card at time of purchase as well as add you to the list of backers for future updates in information from Backerkit. If you are ordering items with print or physical rewards, shipping will be added after surveys. More on this in future updates.

If you want to pickup the digital edition, please keep in mind there is a slight difference with the pledge/tier levels due to how Backerkit is configured. The Oceanographer's Kit and Tidebreak (Print) options each have standalone selections so remain mostly the same. However, you will need to click on the Tidebreak (Digital) and then expand the dropdown (pictured below) to select either PDF only or Digital with Stretch Goals. This will mirror the Swimmer and Diver tiers from the original campaign. 

What if I already backed the Kickstarter?

Then you're set! As mentioned in the previous Kickstarter update, this will not affect add-ons, surveys, or shipping and fulfillment charges. More info on that will come in our update for Surveys on Monday, November 14th, also through Backerkit.

If you are looking for Backerkit's pledgemanager, including information on adjusting your pledge level and add-ons, please look for the dedicated update on this along with information on surveys coming later this month.


If you have any questions related to this, please feel free to ask in the comments below as well as make use of Backerkit's support team. This may be especially useful if you run into any problems or have questions regarding navigating Backerkit's site.

Any issues or questions that come up often we'll move to our FAQs here on Kickstarter.


Just a brief reminder, we're endeavoring to keep our “State of the Break” check-ins to a minimum of once-a-month. Due to the scope of this project and the small team behind it, we will do our best to answer all of your questions. However, if we are not able to promptly answer any direct messages, please review Updates and FAQs to see if your question has already been answered.

Thank you again for your patience!

Get In Other Waters: Tidebreak

Buy Now$10.00 USD or more